Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Sometimes in life you just have to laugh or you would honestly go crazy and let it get you down.  Recently I was quoted as being wrong for a stand I take on the crop/dock issue.  I read my quote and I said darn I did good!!!  I was clear about what I believe - my message has always been the same.  I am not ashamed of this quote - I love it!!!

I promise open and honest communication and support of clubs and members alike.. I am known for it!!! I only own, show and promote DOBERMANS and am a member in good standing with both DPCA and UDC.
When speaking of the coon hound look I see that as far different than
calling them coon hounds which they are not but they have lost breed
type which allows even the novice to recognize them as dobermans and
not confuse them with weims or coon hoiunds.

Was I mistaken in thinking that UDC tried to do what no club has ever
done before - The Total dog - meaning a conformationally sound dog that
could still work whether the ears are 3 inches, 4 inches or 6 inches
but for sure cropped.
As I read the quote I said hey wait a minute.......I am being quoted as being WRONG because I support our standard???  What is wrong with this picture???
I will gladly take that charge and wear that badge gladly.  I support our rights - I support our breed - I support our standard and I support AMERICA.  Now I am wrong and unfit to serve for that???  
Someone somewhere better wake up and realize what is being shoved down our throats which is the self destruction of this breed of all breeds.  If standards go then anyone can breed anything to anything they want on a whim, change whatever they choose and we will have no more purebreds dogs with a purpose.
From the DPCA/AKC approved standard for the Doberman:
Long and dry, resembling a blunt wedge in both frontal and profile views. When seen from the front, the head widens gradually toward the base of the ears in a practically unbroken line. Eyes almond shaped, moderately deep set, with vigorous, energetic expression. Iris, of uniform color, ranging from medium to darkest brown in black dogs; in reds, blues, and fawns the color of the iris blends with that of the markings, the darkest shade being preferable in every case. Ears normally cropped and carried erect. The upper attachment of the ear, when held erect, is on a level with the top of the skull. 
From the FCI standard:  Ears:  The ears, which is set high, is carried erect and cropped to a length in proportion to the head.  In a country where cropping is not permitted the uncropped ear is equally recognized.  (Medium size preferred and with the front edge lying close to the cheeks.)
In countries where CROPPING is NOT permitted the uncropped is recognized.  GUESS what in those countries THEY DO NOT ACCEPT CROPPED DOGS.  Our dogs are BANNED from the show ring or the performance ring.NOTE:  both standards call for a cropped ear.  An uncropped and undocked dog is a deviation from the ideal. In what world do we want to embrace a deviation from ideal?  I am all for improving our breed.  It is the mission of every quality breeder out there.  Improving the breed does not mean approving or intentionally presenting a deviation as ideal.  It means WE LOST OUR RIGHTS.  Read above:
Does that bother you???  It sure as the devil bothers me.
In the days ahead we will be pressed to abandon time honored traditions and a rich heritage and encouraged by the AR whackos to embrace a deviation that can be avoided.  We will be encourage to forfeit our rights and destroy our breed.  It is in your hands.  I hope you will fight for our purebred dogs and their traditions and heritage.
Do not buy into the silly notion that they care more about health or temperament as they pocket an extra $4,000 to $5,000 dollars per litter at your expense by selling you a deviation.  It's about the money.
Copyright © 2010 Suzan Shipp/Dobs4ever.  All rights reserved. Revised: ALL PICTURES AND CONTENT ON THIS BLOG ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF Suzan Shipp/Dobs4ever/J Bar S Dobermans and may not be used,  copied or reprinted without express permission from the owner. Copyrighted 2010

Monday, January 20, 2014



Anyone ever hear that from your kids???  It used to be my daughter's favorite excuse to throw at me.  If I listened to her that meant that some 600 kids in her high school were totally out of control - playing at being adults with immature minds that were not ready to function in a mature world.

Then it struck me..........that is the same thing those who have chosen to leave a cropped and docked breed UNCROPPED and/or UNDOCKED.  So if we are to
buy into this then just because a part of the world has lost their right to crop and dock we should follow suit because everyone else is doing it.

Personally I find all their arguments very unstable.  Everything - from it is not necessary and only a cosmetic procedure to it messes up their anal glands and  pooping.    Guess they never heard of "happy tail" which is a very painful experience that in the end results IN DOCKING the tail on an older dog to stop the continued injury and pain ...... by their own admission this is an AMPUTATION which they are against.  Prevention seems prudent in this case.

If you think it is OK to loose personal freedoms then honestly I can't help you.  If you think the government knows best then I sure can't help you.  Their track record speaks very poorly of their ability to even maintain their own personal integrity let alone yours or mine.

I am well versed in this everyone is doing it excuse as it was my daughters most used  excuses......EVERYONE was doing it.  I patiently told her I was not everyone's mother but I was hers.  Were I everyone else's mother she could rest assured that they would not be doing it either as it was dangerous, harmful or self destructive.  We each have one time to do things right and that is the first time.

I personally don't know what everyone else has to do with my decisions but for some it must make sense.  Perhaps it is that they are not capable of thinking for themselves or that they prefer to let others do all the work.

Not to mention I do not believe for one minute all those who say they support my right to crop and dock when they don't and THEN  spout all the reasons why I should not either and the most often heard is:  EVERYONE ELSE HAS STOPPED ......therefore I should stop.  I am not everyone else and I don't want to be follow something just because everyone else does.   That is exactly how sheep get led to the slaughter!!!

If the only reason to support cropping and docking was the long standing traditions and heritage of  so many of the working breeds as cropped and docked.  I believe in upholding many long standing traditions which sadly too many of today's world have no concept of why or how they came about and many are founded in very sound solid reasons.

Dobs4ever - Dogs Under Fire!

Copyright © 2010 Suzan Shipp/Dobs4ever.  All rights reserved. Revised: ALL PICTURES AND CONTENT ON THIS BLOG ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF Suzan Shipp/Dobs4ever/J Bar S Dobermans and may not be used,  copied or reprinted without express permission from the owner. Copyrighted 2010