I am very very encouraged that there are so many neg dogs turning up. When the test first came out many jumped the frantic gun and said would there be any neg dogs at all to breed to.
I think it is a very positive sign and a very neg sign - On the positive side it appears we have a good # of dogs to select from to continue to work ad eliminate the this gene quickly- I also think if it is a serious part of DCM that it shows that DCM is not as prevalent as those who cried wolf and that all dogs were dropping dead like flies of DCM..
On the negative side dogs are still dying of DCM with or without the gene. We all wanted a THIS IS IT!!! and it is not. Dr. Meurs stated that there are 24 known genes that contribute to DCM in humans. It is a complicated disease and we can't mislead anyone into believing that a neg results means you are FREE of DCM. Unfortunately the one thing we wanted from this test, it does not and can not give us.
Just like many breeders poo poo the Vwd gene as not a major problem in our breed there are those who will poo poo this because it is not 100%. My thinking was if you have an absolute test and you can eliminate it then you should - I set out about 7 or 8 years ago to eliminate Vwd from my program and I have. All dogs I breed now will only produce clear or carrier puppies. Most being clear. For pet puppies being spayed or neutered it does not matter if they are carrier but I have been fortunate in that almost all my dogs are now Vwd clear. I do not produce any affected puppies - although I did for several years and was fortunate as none ever had a bleeding problem.
I will move the exact same direction on this new DCM gene in the exact same manner. Inch by inch we can take another step in the right direction.
Dobermans are my breed - I take them as they are and strive to improve with each breeding. But I am 100% died in the wool committed to Dobermans - problems and all. For me there is no other breed.
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