Sunday, February 5, 2012



The world of purebred dogs is definitely divided -  The good the bad the Ugly - 
I would like to start by taking a look at the beginnings of Purebred dogs and then the show world.  Why is it so divided  as far as show breeders and BYB go???  

It is divided because the nature of the sport goes against the very heart of the purpose - dedicated people working to produce the best example possible.

First if we look at the reason that brought about the purebred dog world we would have to go way back in time.  People had tasks that they needed  fulfilled so they looked at Man's best friend to help.  They noticed that certain dogs were really strong in certain task so they started breeding these dogs to each other with the specific purpose in mind to make sure more of the dogs would work or meet the requirements for which they were bred.  They wanted them to breed true to that task and a certain look, otherwise they wanted them to breed true to both form and function.

As men will be men they of course wanted to start pitting their best effort against someone else's best effort and the dog show world had its humble beginnings.  I am sure that even way back then that there were poeple who thought they were crazy.  This pursuite of excellence and competing to see whose dog could top whose dog.  But folks that is how it started - around a pub and a few good  men bragging about the days activities of field trailing.  From that Westminister was born and the rest is history.  

Dog showing as a sport is second only in organized sports to  -------- you guessed it Horse Racing.

So from the beginning I think the differences were there -  There were the BYB who had a dog and of course no one neutered their dog back then so they let nature take care of it self and didn't really give it a second thought.

But for the purebred dog world it was a big difference - there was a purpose - a passion.  Since dogs pretty much roamed loose in the old days they would mate with whoever was available but the purebred dogs were put up and carefully screened and mated with a specific purpose.  Breeders kept meticulious records  of matings and the results.  Hence the American Kennel Club was formed to help promote this sport and make these records more available to the public.  These purposes became the guideline or standard for each breed.   You can't have one without the other.  Purebred dogs must adhere to the standard.  

Most backyard breeders BYB are not even aware of a standard or the purpose of breeding.  Doming next 
Dog show Fancy - Sport or Cult???

Dobs4ever -Dogs Under Fire

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