Thursday, June 13, 2013

Are we going to the Dogs OR the Baboons!!

We would rather have baboon looking dogs than a standard -  Sorry but I read that phrase and just could not resist using it. 

I read these comments the other day and just had to make some comments:
1.    We have doberman’s because we have a standard- it is how we protect and preserve any breed.

2.   Mutts don’t have a standard and that is why you see such variety even in the same litter. 

3.   Ears and tail do not make a dog healthy – good health does
No one can look on the outside of animal or human and guarantee good health.

The question was asked - how does a "natural ear" dobe take away from the "standard" Doberman?   That is the easy one to answer – it is a cropped and docked breed and clearly shows breed type.   So it really should be pretty easy to “get it”.   

Then they go on to say they have owned 3 cropped and docked Dobermans that have medical issues  - hypothyroidism, CVI and Lyme disease…………..WHOA wait a minute Lime disease is caused by ticks!!!  So to throw in something that could even contribute to other issues is not wise if you want to make a point that cropping and docking makes dogs sick.  

Folks I tell you it gets so ridiculous as people strive to destroy our standard. 
Health issues are an issue in and of themselves and can’t be judged in the ring or on the working field.  All dogs are healthy until they show otherwise.  We can do all the test, annual check up and anything else we want but until it shows up it is hidden somewhere in the DNA.  For the things we have DNA test for then we have a much clearer picture of the future as it relates to that one particular health concern.

The question was asked – “I want to know what an ear has to do with the life and death of our dobes? ?”  Me too.  They have nothing to do with it either way but cropped and docked does support the breed standard.  Once we loose that standard we will loose all purebred dogs. But every discussion I have read on this infers that flopped eared dogs live longer and have better health and add a tail and they are SUPER DOG!!!  Give me a break.

Dobs4ever – Dogs under fire!

Copyright © 2010 Suzan Shipp – Dobs4ever.  All rights reserved. Revised: ALL PICTURES AND CONTENT ON THIS BLOG ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF Suzan Shipp/Dobs4ever and J Bar S Dobermans and may not be used or copied without express permission from the owner. Copyrighted 2010

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