Thursday, August 5, 2021


 The Art of Breeding the Purebred Doberman

As I read different FB groups it continues to make me painfully aware that with all the information on the super highway there are still WAY too many uneducated folks regarding the art of breeding purebred dogs.

I honestly don’t know how there can be such a break down or misunderstanding of what purebred should really mean. For me first and foremost is someone wants a specific dog usually for its looks as that is what first attracks us. We have the Westminster kennel club show each year that is televised where people can see hundreds of different breeds presented at their very best. Then go out and try to find a dog on Craigs list that is the breed they want.

Some things to notice is that usually the dogs sold on all these pet sites and Craigslist are very poor representatives of any breed. WHY??? Because Back yard breeders otherwise referred to as BYB have no clue about the standard of their breed and certainly don’t care about producing quality, health or correct temperament because that cost money. Either they are themselves uneducated about the quality that should go along with purebred or they only care about the money.

In America, Doberman Pinscher Club of America (DPCA) is our national Breed club for the Doberman. The correct standard for the Doberman is set by DPCA and AKC. You can find that standard here: Anyone who is interested in breeding purebred dogs of any kind should be aware that all breeds MUST have a standard that exactly describes the correct dog that represents their breed and should READ the standard and do their best to follow it

Because our breed is a working breed, I feel it is even more important that breeders know the standard and breed to the standard. While we will never produce the perfect dog we want to at least be in the wheel house. The standard describes both the correct look (build, structure, color, mouth, feet, eyes) temperament (confident, energetic, alert, fearless, loyal, trainable) and good health.

Why would you want to breed less that what the standard calls for??? MONEY just because it says “purebred” it is sellable and if you don’t do all the health testing, training and showing to KNOW that the dog meets the standard you make a lot more money without doing anything for the breed.

A true breeder has a strong passion for their breed. They want to do the best they can to properly represent their breed. They are members of the breed club because they want to learn more and do better. Purebred is the gold standard and it is far more than AKC registration. It goes way beyond purebred registration.

Demand MORE of your breeder. Good breeders are already doing more and they are up for the hard questions. They are up to producing a dog that looks and performs as the standard describes. It just makes sense to me that a breeder should be held to a higher standard – be a member of their breed club and know the standard their breeding program should strive to meet. Don’t be fooled by a pretty web site. Dig further, talk to several breeders and please don’t just buy the first puppy you find that is available. Good breeders have a waiting list and believe you me it is worth having a little patience and waiting for the right puppy.  There are no bargains in purebred. Purebred should stand for quality, purebred, bred to the standard and titled and health tested.

Copyright © 2010  Suzan Shipp/Dobs4ever  All right reserved.  All Pictures and CONTENT on the blog are the sole property of Suzan Shipp/Dobs4ever/J Bar S Dobermans and may not be used, copied or reprinted without the express written permission from the owner Suzan Shipp Copyrighted 2010

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