While Vwd is now 100% controllable many breeders continue to pay it little mind because so few Dobermans actually die from it. When the DNA test was first discovered, honestly there just were not enough clears to jump to only clears for breeding. This would have most likely destroyed the gene pool completly and then we would have had serious problems for which there was no recovery. Jumping off the deep end can ultimately destroy the breed. JQP does not always understand this.
Since the gene pool had survived for years without the testing some decided to ingnore it and today we still have some breeders who do not even test for it. I decided if it could be eliminated then that was the better direction to go. I was fortunate as I was able to quickly eliminate it from my program.
My stratagey was to start with a clear male and in testing the dogs I had at that time I found that they were carriers so I had been breeding carrier to carrier and producing at least 50% affected without any problems.
I started testing my male puppies looking for a clear but it was not to be so I went outside my lines and bought a clear male. Now at least regardless of what I bred none of the puppies would be Vwd affected. It was a start in the right direction.
I found from clear to carrier breeding, I got a lot more clears so it was easy in one generation to go to clear dogs. Even though it is not considered a major problem, for me I had to take those steps. I just could not ever imagine facing a client who lost their puppy due to Vwd and explaining to them WHY I did not take measures to avoid it.
The only thing I could think of to say was - Well it is rare for a puppy to ever have an episode of bleeding out so sorry it was yours. I just could not honestly do that and am fortunate now as I have not produce Vwd affected puppies for the past 10 years.
Would I have a problem breeding an affected - absolutely not. Rayna's dam was affected but she was bred to a clear dog so Rayna is carrier. She will be bred to clear and I will have a clear out of that breeding. So the bloodline I wanted continues and I did not have to produce any affecteds to get there.
I had an affected bitch that at 2 years got hold of a ball of some kind and we had to have major blockage surgery. She came through with flying colors, had 2 litters of puppies and today is 8 years old and healthy as a horse. How can this be???
Vwd is not a death sentence. Even in affected dogs they can produce enough of the clotting factor to not have a problem unless some other problem compromises the system, but for the rare puppy that does not produce enough it can be fatal.
It is thought that breeding affected to affected produces the most clinically affected and this breeding is certainly discouraged. Today there should be more clears to choose from so even breeding carrier to carrier could be avoided if one wanted to.
As a client I would hesitate to purchase an affected puppy especially if you are wanting to participate in heavy activities like agility or Schutzhund where the dog is more susceptible to injury. For a breeder that decision would probably not be a determining factor if it was an outstanding pedigree for what you are wanting to accomplish. Just breed to a clear and you still do not produce affected.
I hope this makes it a little easier to understand from a breeders perspective and why it has not been eliminated. We don't have to eliminate it we just have to control it and Vwd testing allows us to do that.
Copyright © 2010 [Suzan Shipp/J Bar S Dobermans/Dobs4ever]. All rights reserved. Revised: ALL PICTURES AND CONTENT ON THIS WEBSITE ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF Suzan Shipp/J Bar S Dobermans/Dobs4ever and may not be used or copied without express permission from the owner Copyrighted 2010
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