This is the final part of a 4 part series on Cropping and Docking and this is the one that disturbs me the most - Hyprocirsy, running to ground OR maybe we just consider it a little white lie.
REASON: "I don't want to crop because people are intimidated when they see a doberman and a floppy earred dog is not as intimidating."
I have heard people say it before, but it did not soak in. Well it has finally gotten to the core of my brain neurons and I am now paying attention.
So now we want to stupe to lying, hiding or disguising our dogs???? Is this how we really want to deal with it?? These dogs have served our country in war and peace. They protect us and serve us. I do not see how misleading people or luring them into a false sense of security solves anything, I do think it says a lot about us as a person and speaks to character.
Most people are afraid of a big dog, a black dog, a red dog and some folks have lived a life where they just fear all dogs big or small, so what do we really accomplish if we think by not cropping the ears they will not recognize it as a Doberman?
Any dog that is trained, socialized and under control is not a threat to anyone - a dog running loose or out of the owners control is a problem. I just don't see letting other people's phobias, that I MIGHT meet and who MIGHT have a problem, run my life. What if I never meet any of those people??? What if I meet them and they meet my well trained, behaved dogs and we change their entire perspective on our wonderful breed???
I have actually had that happen. It gives me a chance right up front to say - Please come meet my Doberman". We are able to open up a dialog. I don't want to meet you under false pretences. I want to be honest and right up front.
Just because a dog is big, or black or a number of other physical traits does not mean it is a dangerous dog. But trying to misrepresent the dog as something it is not, to me is dishonest. The breed is a cropped and docked breed and I just can't let other people's possible perceptions rule my life and my support of this breed and the standard.
I want to walk proudly down the street and have people see how great this breed is up close and personal. I want to disspell the myths and untruths, not hide from them or shy away from what they are. They are Dobermans - clowns right down to their toes, loving, loyal, courageous, alert , energetic - WAIT - did we say COURAGEOUS - courageous - and we as owners want to tuck our tails and hide!!! Not me.
Of all the approved AKC breeds there is none that can take your breath away like that beautiful cropped look of Eagles, standing tall, proud and alert.
When we cave in to some future pressure we might experience for 5 minutes by someone we don't even know and might nver see again, are we saying we just want to go underground and HIDE our dogs??? Do we see this as keeping them safe????
As people, can't we be at least as honest and true to ourselves as our dogs??? Or maybe we should go hide in the hills so people won't see our dogs at all, after all we would not want to scare them. Give me a break folks. - Let's be REAL!
The opinions expressed are those of Suzan Shipp/Dobs4ever
Copyright © 2010 [Suzan Shipp/J Bar S Dobermans/Dobs4ever]. All rights reserved. Revised: ALL PICTURES AND CONTENT ON THIS WEBSITE ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF Suzan Shipp/Dobs4ever and may not be used or copied without express permission from the owner Copyrigted 2010
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