Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Has Crufts has made health testing the laughing stock

The talk of the town is the Crufts dog show and all the breeds that have been DQ's from the event as well as the 15 breeds that are under fire right now.

Crufts obviously thinks it has taken a major step forward in moving pedigreed dogs to a better place BUT HAVE they???

First  you can't always see genetics with the naked eye.  Most serious diseases that plague all animals and humans are usually no known until they appear or rear their ugly head sometime during the lifespan.  It is precious few we have an absolute DNA test for whereby we can eliminated it over time from a gene pool.

So whose kidding who???   A ring side vet check in no way can determine the health of a dog.  If it would then we can eliminate all the costly health testing test we do and just run our dog up to the local vet and have him look in the eyes, listen to the heart and lungs and say all looks good.  It is a bandaid at best.  That is why vets promote annual vet checks - things come up.

But to DQ a dog for possible razor burns -  What does that have to do with genetics, improving the quality of dogs showing, improve the dogs being selected for breeding or is it a ploy by the AR groups to once again hoodwink them into believing all breeders are bad and all purebred dogs are bad???

It is not secret to the outside world that the AR groups have heavily influenced and infiltrated the dog world in Europe and that they were successful in banning cropping and docking over 20 years ago.  Perhaps they made better progress over there because they are not as well informed and educated over there - Honestly I don't know.

But I know this is nothing but a witch hunt and personally I think Crufts has a lot of egg on their face.

Dobs4ever - Dogs under fire!

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