Thursday, December 2, 2010


Thanksgiving is over and I did a lot of reflecting about the past -  especially with the passing of Prop B in Missouri to stamp out the puppy mills - WHAT a joke.  

I remember that Thanksgiving was a day that all the guys got up early and went hunting.  As kids we were always excited to see them come home because we got to watch them clean the meat and get it ready for the next meal.   I always had rabbit feet and squirrel tails around.  I love squirrel and rabbit meat.

TOFU just doesn't do it for me, but as HSUS and PETA continue to push their radical agenda on us great memories of the past and traditions will be lost not to mention 1/2 of the worlds food supply.

They do not care about our dogs when they think they should all be turned loose to run free.  What to get run over by a car???  There are so many holes in their vision I don't understand how an intelligent person can buy into it.

You can read my full article at

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